

To add an organization or update your organization's information below, email



  American Legion

Meets the First Thursday at the American Legion Hall

Bethlehem American Legion, Post 146 welcomes all veterans who have honorably served in our nation's armed forces.

  Bethlehem Ambulance

Meets the First and Third Mondays - 7:30 pm at the Ambulance Facility

Save Lives - Join Bethlehem Ambulance.  Call 203-266-6666.  The life you save might be your own.

 Bethlehem Baseball/Softball

Meets the Third Wednesday - 7:00 pm at the Painted Pony Restaurant

 Bethlehem Community Garden at the Swendsen Farm Preserve

The Sam & Dot Swendsen Community Garden in Bethlehem, Connecticut is a protected farm preserve where residents can grow organic fruits and vegetables and share the harvest.

 Bethlehem Fire Department

  • Drills:  Meets the Third Thursday - 7:00 pm at the Fire House
  • Meetings:  Meets the First Friday - 7:30 pm at the Fire House

 Blood Pressure Screening

Meets the First Saturday - 11 am - 12 pm at Towne Apothecary

 Democratic Town Committee

Meets the Third Wednesday - 7:30 pm at Town Hall

 Garden Club

Meets the Third Tuesday (except February and March) - 7:30 pm at the Leever Community Room of the Library

The Garden Club is responsible for maintaining 15 flower boxes throughout the town.  New members are always welcome.

 Good Shepherds of the Church of the Nativity

Meets as announced Sundays after 8:00 am Mass at Church of the Nativity


Meets the Fourth Monday (Second Monday in December) - 7:30 pm at Memorial Hall

Statement of Purpose:  Ritual enables our Order to be political without being partisan, religious without being denominational, and it assures a complete individuality.  We are a Family Organization.

Membership Fee:  $20:00 per year

Fundraisers or Specific Group Activities:  Annual Flea Market, Bethlehem Fair Exhibit, Dictionary Project for Region 14 Schools, and care of the Bethlehem Green Nativity Scene

  Lion's Club

Meets the Second and Fourth Thursday - 7:30 pm at Memorial Hall

 Visiting Nurse

Meets Every Wednesday - 11:00 am - 12:00 pm at North Purchase