Committed to providing information to the residents of Bethlehem, CT regarding conservation of open space and farmland, sustainable energy use, environmental policies, and being a good steward of the Swendsen Farm Preserve.
The mission of the Conservation Commission is to inform the citizens and town government about environmental concerns including, but not limited to, municipal and private recycling, preservation of Bethlehem’s rural character, land conservation, use of chemical agents on public land, and to serve as stewards of the Swendsen Farm Preserve. We are empowered to do this by CT General Statute 7 131a (2012) regarding “the development, conservation, supervision and regulation of natural resources, including water resources. It may make recommendations to planning commissions, inland wetlands agencies, and other municipal agencies on proposed land use changes.
Outgoing Conservation Commission Website
(To be deactivated on September 22, 2022, at 5PM)