Letter from Esther M Gross

Copied with permission from Esther Gross 7/22/02

To: marcren@mindspring.com
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 21:50:07 -0500
Subject: Your Bethlehem website
X-Mailer: Juno 5.0.11
From: Esther M Gross

Hello from Texas!
Just want to let you know with what delight I discovered your Bethlehem website this evening. It is lovely, but that wasn't the main reason for my delight. Would you be surprised to learn that I am 6th generation descendant of two of the people buried in your OLD cemetery, the one on Bellamy Road? The story of what led us to the cemetery back in 1995 is written up in three entries of our own family history website under http://www.geocities.com/esther7222/Porter.html, especially the one titled "Letter to Robert."

Now that I've found your website, I want to review my information to see if it agrees with what you have. I was pleased to see the write-up by Evelyn Paluskus because she was most helpful to me in my research for a year or so after our brief visit to your town (story also recounted on the website).

I'm not the only one in my family interested. My sister and some of her family made a side trip to Bethlehem and the cemetery shortly after my husband and I were there. My nephew over in Holland hasn't been there, but he is very involved in the family history and in our website.

I hope someday to get back to your town and do some more exploring now that I know more about it and its history. I enjoy telling people about my ancestor buried in Bethlehem, Connecticut, who died during George Washington's first term as President and how we located and visited her grave.
Thanks for the website!
Esther Gross, Dallas, Texas